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NCI Pathway to Independence Award for Outstanding Early Stage Postdoctoral Researchers (K99/R00)

The Chao Family Comprehensive Cancer Center is seeking post-doctoral researchers to nominate for the Early K99/R00 funding opportunities (one nominee per scientific area; up to a combined total of three nominees per institution). Interested applicants must submit their applications through the "Apply" link in this InfoReady posting by the internal deadline of December 6, 2022 (5 pm PST). Please contact CFCCC Administration ( if you have any questions about the internal submission and review process.

Applicants can find general award information, including descriptions of scientific areas and informational webinar materials, here:  

NOTE: Candidates are strongly encouraged to obtain confirmation of their eligibility from NCI before seeking institutional nomination. It is incumbent upon the candidate to provide evidence that all eligibility criteria have been met.

The purpose of the NCI Pathway to Independence Award for Outstanding Early Stage Postdoctoral Researchers (K99/R00) program is to increase and maintain a strong cohort of new and talented, NCI-supported, independent investigators. This program is designed for postdoctoral fellows with research and/or clinical doctoral degrees who do not require an extended period of mentored research training beyond their doctoral degrees. The objective of this award is to facilitate a timely transition of these fellows from their mentored, postdoctoral research positions to independent tenure-track (or equivalent) faculty positions. The program will provide independent NCI research support during this transition to help awardees to launch competitive, independent research careers. Researchers in the scientific areas of data science and cancer control science are especially encouraged to work with their institutions to apply. 

RFA-CA-22-035: NCI Pathway to Independence Award for Outstanding Early Stage Postdoctoral Researchers (K99/R00 - Independent Clinical Trial Not Allowed)

RFA-CA-22-036: NCI Pathway to Independence Award for Outstanding Early Stage Postdoctoral Researchers (K99/R00 - Independent Clinical Trial Required)

RFA-CA-22-037: NCI Pathway to Independence Award for Outstanding Early Stage Postdoctoral Researchers (K99/R00 - Independent Basic Experimental Studies with Humans Required)

This Early K99/R00 award in many respects, such as duration, financial support, etc. is similar to the parent K99/R00. However, there are several important differences:

  • Only postdoctoral (or postdoc-like) researchers with less than 2 years of postdoctoral research experience by the submission due date (February 28, 2023) are eligible to apply
  • Each candidate must be nominated by the institution and a nomination letter (2 pgs max) must be included in the application (refer to the FOAs for the requirements)
  • Each institution may submit up to 3 applications, but each application must be in a different field of science: one in data science, one in cancer control science and one in other sciences. Please refer to the FOAs for the field of science definition
  • Early K99/R00 applications are reviewed by a special emphasis panel, therefore, they are not competing with the regular/parent K99/R00.
    • Preliminary data are not required
    • Publication with the current/postdoctoral mentor are not required

Please contact the NCI program official listed below if you have any questions about the FOA or your eligibility prior to submitting your internal application:

Dr. Sergey Radaev
Program Director