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Early Investigator Advancement Program (EIAP)

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With the support of the NCI Equity Council, the National Cancer Institute (NCI) launched the Early Investigator Advancement Program (EIAP) in 2021 to facilitate the advancement of scientists from diverse backgrounds to become independent investigators.

The cancer research enterprise needs a continuous flow of talent through the research career pipeline to thrive. One critical juncture is the transition from junior investigator to independent investigator. The EIAP aims to enhance professional skills, guide preparation of an R01 grant application, provide access to a mentoring and peer network, and grow a community of emerging independent investigators from diverse backgrounds.

Each year, EIAP will support the professional and career development of a cohort of eligible and qualified Early Stage Investigators and New Investigators from institutions across the country. Cohort members will provide peer support for each other both during and beyond their participation in the program.

The Early Investigator Advancement Program is funded by the NCI Equity and Inclusion Program.